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Ustin Maltsev Fund supports European values


  This warm spring days, citizens and visitors of Kherson without leaving region could visit Europe, and take a closer look at its culture and traditions.
  May 16, 2015 at 14:00 in the walls of region library named by O. Gonchar, with the support of Centre of European Information and Ustin Maltsev Fund, the celebration of Day of Europe in Ukraine will take place. The event will summarize the results of exhibition of children art collective "Original". Young artists expose more than 100 their works in various technique and genres - paintings, monotype and other exclusive techniques.
  As honored guests there will be present famous Kherson artists and writers who will help to determine the winners of the competition.
  "We should always honor our common values, common history and, the most important, our common future" - in the support of the idea of this holiday, stressed the head of Charitable Fund, Ustin Maltsev.





My piece of bread only belongs to me when I know that everyone else has a share, and that no one starves while I eat.

Leo Tolstoy

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