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V-th volleyball Tournament on the memory of O. V. Mishukov has been held


   13th of may on the territory of the scientific-training center of KSU, water sports base on the Bank of the Dnieper, hosted the fifth annual Open regional tournament in volleyball among female teams, dedicated to the memory of the rector, the Director of Kherson Academic Lyceum at KSU, the Honored worker of arts of Ukraine, Professor O. V. Mishukov.
   The tournament was held in the framework of the national Patriotic festival KSU "Cossack guard" with support of Charity Fund of Ustin Maltsev. The competition in women's volleyball took the top teams from Kherson and Kherson region.

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   This commemorative game was played a bit in an informal setting and the girls find it difficult to fight for the championship of their team. Despite the fact that all the teams stayed at the level of strong, at the end of the competition the judges have determined the winners and the best player.

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 First place was won by team "Adelaide" Chulakovskii school, silver awards went to representatives DUKPT №4, third place went to the team from Chornobaivske high schooll №1. For the title of best player to a volleyball player DUKPT №4 Irina Patuca.
The participants of the tournament received a lot of positive emotions and the charge of spiritual and physical strength. Rewarding of participants and winners of competitions with trophies, medals and team diploma conducted by the chief judge of competitions Alexander andrusyak and Lyaskovskaya Olga, a representative of the Charity Fund Ustin Maltsev.

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To be good is noble,but to show others how to be good is nobler and no trouble.

Mark Twain

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