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Help save life of Olga Guz


благотворительность Херсон фонд Устина Мальцева помощь поддержка добро просьба спасение благотворительный фонд

   In spring 2014, after suffering flu a 14 - year-old Olga Guz got serious health complications. After a lengthy treatment in three hospitals Ukrainian doctors revealed their diagnosis: acute renal failure, which can lead to a chronic stage of disease. It even can result in kidney transplant for her. Other terrible unconfirmed diagnosis says GUS (immune genetic disease), which is not treated or even diagnosed in our country.
Currently Olga is passing a treatment at the National Children's Specialized Hospital "OHMATDIT" using artificial kidney machine. For more accurate diagnosis and treatment her parents contacted German clinic "Erlangen", where doctors took a decision for Olga's treatment giving hope for a positive result.
  For her treatment Olga's parents spent all their own means, savings and support provided by relatives and friends. But the treatment is still going on and the child has good chances to combat the disease. For a complete diagnosis and treatment it is necessary to collect 26 400 Euros.
If treatment is not provided, the girl can die. Olga and her parents believe that only through support of caring people the life of a 14-year-old girl can be saved.
The Ustin Maltsev charitable foundation and Olga's parents ask for your help to raise money to save her life! We will appreciate any support! Thank you for your donations.

Bank details for money transfer:
Oschadbank 10021
Bank MFO 352457 Bank ЕДРПОУ code 02766367
Transit bank account № 2924902 (Hryvna).
Bank card account № 26259500561426
Contact mobile (mother) : 050 215 81 47
Payment for : Treatment of Olga Guz
Account owner: Dmitrenko Oksana Aleksandrovna (mother)
(mobile): +380 50- 215-81-47 (mother)


The charitable give out the door and God puts it back through the window.

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