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Save the heart of little football player Andrey


  13 years old boy Andrey Goncharov from Nikopol needs an urgent heart surgery. In 2014, after a purulent tonsillitis doctors discovered complex pathology and diagnosed: "Atrial septal defect СН 1".
  Andrey's childhood stopped for a moment, boy lost hope that he would not play his favorite sport, football, ever. After consulting specialists from Kiev "Heart institute", doctors gave hope that all problems could be solved. If make a heart surgery now, soon Andrey could back to the football and continue his path to the championship, and perhaps the boy become a famous football player.
  To close the defect is possible using heart accluder. The clinic has already found. The operation will be on free charge. It only needs to buy accluder which will serve as the main link in saving child's life. For Andrey's parents it is a huge amount,   which   is   75 000 UAH (3500 USD).
  Parents just have no choice how to ask all indifferent people to help to save their only son. If the operation would not be carry out in time, very unpredictable consequences may wait for the child.
  Ustin Maltsev Fund and Andrey's parents ask all people of goodwill to support and help in fundraising!
  We are thankful in advance to all responded people!

Bank details for donations:
Privat Bank Card: 4731 2171 1142 1648
Payment for: treatment for Andrey Goncharov
Owner: Goncharova Marina Sergeevna (mother)

Contacts: +38095 409 60 08 (mother)


It is more blessed to give than to receive .

the Bible

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