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Life of Arthur Vasilenko is saved


  On October 19th 2015, the fund raising campaign for Artur Vasilenko was completed thanks to the support of compassionate people and guidance of the charity foundation of "Ustin Maltsev". The campaign was launched for the purpose of an important heart surgery for Artur.
  In 16 years of his life, Artur never complained on his health condition, he used to be an able-bodied and strong child, practiced judo, and played football. Once, while having a regular health check, medical doctors diagnosed a horrible disease: "Interatrial septum defect with the maximum size of 1.8 cm". The specialists from the Kiev "Institute of Heart" will provide Artur with necessary treatment via interatrial implant which will close the inborn defect. The planned surgery will take place at the institute on free of charge basis.
  With the joint efforts of compassionate people it became possible to raise the necessary amount of 75,000 hryvnas (US Dollars 3,300) to purchase an occluder.
  The mother of Artur as well as "Ustin Maltsev foundation" would like to thank all warm-hearted people who showed their empathy and care, were not indifferent and helped to save the child.
  Thank you for your kindness!

It is more blessed to give than to receive .

the Bible

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