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Raising funds for the rehabilitation of Maxim Nalivkin is closed!


1  Every little helps and gathered the required amount. The project is raising funds for the rehabilitation of Maxim Nalivkin closed!
  Thanks сharity fund of Ustin Maltsev since September 2011 was organized the raising funds. Joint efforts of residents of Kherson region, Ukraine as a whole, Russia, Belarus, as well as philanthropists and abroad have gathered the necessary amount. Also were collected funds through online social networks and cash boxes are installed in stores.
  Originally, was chosen the German clinic that gave an account for rehabilitation of Maxim 107,528.00 EURO. In turn, after lengthy negotiations failed to make allowances for carrying out services to 57,000.00 EURO.
  Remind that on the 6th of March , 2010 Maxim suffered acute stroke and after three operations. On the 11th of August 2010 the boy was diagnosed Consequences of acute hemorrhage in the left hemisphere of the brain. Subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH). Spastic tetraparesis - diskineticheskih with dysfunction of the pelvic organs. Boy spent five months in a coma, underwent eight operated bedsores. Now Maxim is located in Germany and is a complex treatment.
  Parents of Maxim Nalivkin and foundation of Ustin Maltsev express gratitude to all those who extended a helping hand, supported and helped to raise funds for the treatment of Maxim. Thanks to each of us, life of little citizen of Kherson is going on!!!

Give to him that asketh thee, and from him that would borrow of thee turn not thou away.

the Bible

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