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Healing tale for children of Kherson region



   On 10 of july 2013, in Kherson Regional Children's Hospital was really important event for children of Kherson and Kherson region: project "Sensory room for children with cerebral palsy". It's a part of charity medical - social project, which was created by Charity Fund of Ustin Maltsev and has a name "They want to be like others". 
   "Sensory room" - specialized high-quality invention, which affects on all senses, it's particularly important in childhood. That what seems bright children's playground to grown - ups, is a really magic tour for child. Everything is twinkles, shimmers, sounds with beautiful melodies: light tubes, fibreoptic fiber, pool balls, water vibersound bed, visual, auditory, tactile, wall and floor panels are parts of healing magic. Sensory rooms are very important and necessary in treatment of children with cerebral, because they develop and contribute to motor activity and coordination, create filling of comfort and safety, and accordingly - emotional and muscle relaxation.
   Certainly, for little patients of clinic new magic room was a long-awaited present. Like a happy pioneers, they studied new unfamiliar tools and objects. Their moms joined to them with pleasure and interest.
   Head of the neurological department, Anatoly Leonidovich Gorb, in his interview approver healing "Sensory room". According to his words throughput capacity of invention will be very high because there is so many children, who asking for help, have a cerebral.
   Ustin Maltsev, the leader of Charity fund underlined: "There are many letters come to Fund with asking for help and 70 per cent of them are applies of parents who have children with cerebral. The Council of Fund decided urgency start project "They want to be like others" and create first specialized sensory room for rehabilitation. Thanks to indifferent citizens of Kherson region for 4 (four) months we collected the necessary amount and bought all the equipment. Today we can see the first result, first stage - its basic equipment of department. But it's needed to do more. I'm sure that step by step and with support of all khersons and socially responsible business we'll improve position of medical department. Also the main task is this rehabilitation room will be maximally available and opened for all, who needs help".
   Hospital workers and parents expressed gratitude to Fund of Ustin Maltsev for active part, support and purchase vital inventions for full recover this complex disease of cerebral.

If not us, who? If not now when?.

John Kennedy

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