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Residents of Belozerka are grateful to the volunteers!



  Volunteers continue to collect funds and transfer food and hygiene products to the villages of the Kherson region!
One of the problematic areas are the villages of the Belozersky district! Stanislav, Aleksandrovka, Kyzomys, Belozerka are located on the line of bombing and artillery shelling.
Representatives of the Ustin Maltsev Foundation carry out daily work to draw attention to the problem of the evacuation of children and the disabled. Delivery of water, food and personal hygiene products is also carried out.
  The purchase and delivery of vital medicines for patients is also organized. In such a difficult time, one cannot stand aside, and we must all travel around our efforts to help the residents of the Belozersky district.








It is more blessed to give than to receive .

the Bible

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