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Volunteers continue their mission under constant artillery fire


Residents of the city of Kherson, Kherson region are in serious condition. The territory is under constant shelling of artillery and mortars. The lives of civilians are in constant danger. The lack of water supply, power cuts and heat supply plunged most of the settlements into territories unsuitable for life. The suburbs of the city of Kherson are completely bombed. There is a constant evacuation of the population to other regions of Ukraine. In the city of Kherson, volunteer groups and representatives of the Red Cross continue to supply people who remained in Kherson and temporarily displaced citizens.

Monitoring and registration of people are provided. Particular attention is paid to families with many kids, the disabled, citizens with disabilities and the elderly. Volunteers carry out daily delivery and distribution of food kits, medicines and hygiene products.

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Give to him that asketh thee, and from him that would borrow of thee turn not thou away.

the Bible

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