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Kherson region flooded with water. Volunteers work in extreme conditions.


After the explosion of the Kakhovka reservoir, which is located in the Kherson region, most of Kherson and the suburbs were flooded with water. Tens of thousands of people found themselves in a hopeless and life-threatening situation. Emergency measures are being taken to evacuate and relocate people to safer areas. The work of volunteer groups is very difficult.

Benefactors are engaged in rescue work and the delivery of necessary food and water to flooded areas. Those in need are provided with clothing and hygiene products.

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#благотворительность #устинмальцев #украина

#благотворительность #устинмальцев #украина

#благотворительность #устинмальцев #украина


Give to him that asketh thee, and from him that would borrow of thee turn not thou away.

the Bible

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