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The Ustin Maltsev Foundation is working on the improvements of the adjacent home territories


    The activities of the Ustin Maltsev Charitable Foundation are based on a systematic and planned approach. This approach helped analyze a large number of calls to the foundation and to structure the problems that concern city and region residents, and helped search for the necessary resources and plan work in areas of concern.

   One of the problems in the city is the improper condition of the adjacent territories of apartment buildings located in the so-called social areas. As a rule, they are inhabited by elderly people, pensioners who do not have a high level of income and do not have an opportunity to put the adjacent territories in order.
    Working in this direction, the charitable foundation organized a rejuvenating pruning of trees, removal of dead wood, elimination of spontaneous dumps, partial repair of house facades, and installation of benches for the elderly.













It is more blessed to give than to receive .

the Bible

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