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Aid projects

Urgent need to save heart of Vovochka Palamarets
Urgent need to save heart of Vovochka Palamarets   5 year old wonderful and active boy, Palamarets Vov... Read more
Day of Kindness and Mercy
Day of Kindness and Mercy   On April 2, real festival event took place at Kherson... Read more
Ustin Maltsev Fund gave electromyograph to Kherson Children Hospital
Ustin Maltsev Fund gave electromyograph to Kherson Children Hospital   Thank to the project "They want to be like all others... Read more
Help orphan children
Help orphan children   From March, 16 to April, 3, during the days of Lent... Read more
Ustin Maltsev Fund will hand over medical equipment to KCRCH
Ustin Maltsev Fund will hand over medical equipment to KCRCH   March 17, 2015 integrated medical diagnostic equipm... Read more
Health heart for Baga Ustim
Health heart for Baga Ustim      Due to the flue during pregnancy, docto... Read more
Fundraising for urgent operation for Vladik Kravchenko
Fundraising for urgent operation for Vladik Kravchenko     March 2, 2015 through the joint support of a... Read more
The tournament of Ustin Maltsev took place in Kherson
The tournament of Ustin Maltsev took place in Kherson   February 14, 2015 Ukrainian free wrestling tournament... Read more
Save the heart of little Sofia
Save the heart of little Sofia     At the end of January 2015, 3-year-old Kher... Read more
Love and care will save child from a serious illness
Love and care will save child from a serious illness   For the life of 3 year old girl Katia Davidenko fou... Read more
The New Year story at the boarding school
The New Year story at the boarding school    New Year holidays are coming, and it is a ti... Read more
St Nikola at the Tsurupinsk boarding school
St Nikola at the Tsurupinsk boarding school    St. Nicholas day is a special day; it is the ve... Read more
To be good is noble,but to show others how to be good is nobler and no trouble.

Mark Twain

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